The book is released today!

After a lot of writing, re-writing, editing, planning and working, “The Team Formula” is finally officially released today!

This is a business book told in a story format for leaders, a Leadership Tale. It takes place in the world of international business where as a result of an acquisition, two companies merge creating a team, struggling with conflicts and dishonesty as well as showing glimpses of loyalty and hope. Stephen, the team’s leader, is challenged to get them working together. In these times of change and economic downturn, it s more important than ever that he gets it right. Follow Stephen and his team on their journey through the thorny maze that all teams travel through.

This is a quick, must-read for leaders and team members in any organisation. It provides them a fun, engaging and informative experience, giving an opportunity for reflection as well as valuable ideas that they can implement immediately. The story tempts the reader, to look at him/herself and ask the questions: What choices am I making? How does this apply to me and my team? What am I doing to make this team work? The reader can easily relate to the characters and real-life situations. Everyone will recognize a part of themselves as well as their colleagues, which makes you want to know what’s going to happen next. It s a page-turner.

Above all, this is a book about going from intellectual understanding to a change in behaviour for everyone on the team. A little book for BIG team success. This is the first book in the ‘little Book for BIG Success’ series, a series of business books with a difference, written in an entertaining and easily digestible story format.

The book has been distributed to a few people for reading and reviewing before this date and we have also started to receive those readers’ reviews on both Amazon and The Book Depository. We are delighted and humbled that it’s been so favourably received so far.

If you would honour us by reading the book, we would also love to hear how you are using the book for yourself and the team you are in or lead. This is crucial to us as we are trusting that you will get a lot of practical use out of the book – this is why we wrote it.

Wishing you much team success!

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn and Mandy Flint, authors of “The Team Formula: A Leadership Tale of a Team who Found their Way”

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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