Step 1: Get together as a team
Step 1 of The Team Formula is GET TOGETHER AS A TEAM.
What does that mean?
As you realise, it’s pretty straight forward:-)
Yes, it means to get together, to spend time together, to actually get to know each other in the team.
Some teams are very quick to get to know each other and some team never really get to know each other even after years of working together.
Don’t underestimate the value and importance of familiarity in a team though. It DOES make a difference.
We hope that you have also at some point been part of a team that worked really well together, partly because they knew each other well, they trusted each other, the were open and honest with each other, they enjoyed being together – and as a result of all of this, they were also able to do a good job.
This kind of teaming can be left to chance and dumb luck, but let’s be honest – would you really leave something that important to chance? No, I don’t think you would. Neither would we.
Create easy ways of getting to know each other.
- Have a breakfast huddle
- Talk about things that are not work related
- Lighten up, have a laugh
- Spend time in team meetings talking about each person’s strengths, background, experience – all the things that would be useful for everyone to know to be able to have a greater exchange within a team
There are many ways of creating team togetherness. What have you done or seen done? What has worked where you are ?
Thanks for sharing
Mandy and Elisabet