We were honoured, and a bit awestruck too, to be part of this line-up of keynote speakers at the Institute for Supply Management’s global conference in Texas a couple of years ago. Both Carly Fiorina (former US presidential candidate and CEO of HP) and Dr Janet L Yellen are well-known leaders in their field and need little introduction. They were both inspiring to see in action at the conference and we follow their careers with interest.
As we are passionate advocates for leadership impact (a crucial vehicle for success) we want to reflect for a moment on the news of Janet Yellen’s big new role.
Yes, we are so very excited that Janet Yellen has now been confirmed as the first woman US Treasury Secretary just as she was also the first woman chair of the US Federal Reserve 2014-2018. Talk about having an impact and breaking new ground!
Much can be said about this accomplished, unassuming and impactful leader. She’s a professor (PhD) of Economics and has worked at Harvard as well as London School of Economics and other major universities. She received the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government in 2017. She’s a straight talking, transparent communicator; she says what she is going to do and then does it – she has a high say–do ratio. She dares to take bold action and follow through. She shows up with competency and authority.
Here’s to Janet – a leader with great impact! Go Janet!