It’s all about trust

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to work in a team, where you feel completely at ease? Where you come in to work in the morning and you know that it will be a good day simply because of the people you have around you? When you know that you will be treated with respect and that you will work together, giving and taking, and being successful and having fun? Well, yes!

There’s nothing worse for a team than when people don’t trust each other, when team members keep information to themselves rather than sharing, when they go behind each others back, when there are “cliques” within the team, suspiciously eyeing other “cliques”. Or simply when people just don’t fully trust each other.

A great team is one where you feel accepted, valued and trusted. With trust there are almost no limits to what a team can achieve. And trust starts by you showing trust. When we show trust in others, they start to open up to showing trust themselves.

Stephen’s team in “The Team Formula” doesn’t start off as a trustful team. Some of the team members do look at each other with hesitation and in some cases even suspicion. But there is hope. No matter where a team starts off at their level of trust, that trust can be significantly improved, and the results will follow.

“The Team Formula” is released 4th March 2013.

Elisabet Hearn, co-author of “The Team Formula: A Leadership Tale of a Team who found their Way”

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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