From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog
This is what I’m thinking”
”Yes, but this is what I’m thinking!”
There will be times when you find yourself at opposite sides to someone else.
You may have different ideas of how to solve an issue. Or you may observe other people that have opposite views. And that difference of opinion is of course not necessarily an issue, in fact it can be a very good thing that people have different opinions.
Whatever the situation though, ultimately the best leaders aim to unify.
They bring people together.
They build bridges across rivers of division.
They keep the dialogue going.
They recognise that they can achieve more together than they can separately.
They are secure enough to not feel personally attacked when there’s a difference of opinion – and they value the creative power in those differences. They let go of the need ”to be right”.
They know how to build relationships and create supporters. And they don’t create enemies, because they know how hard it is to reverse a sense of being enemies.
Always be a Unifier, never a Divider.
Be a leader who builds bridges.
The best leaders are emotionally aware and realise how they make other people feel. Because even if some people may think we should ”leave our emotions at home” and just be ”a professional being at work”, this is not how people work. We’re all emotional creatures and great leaders get this and therefore they consider what emotions they trigger in others; how they make others feel.
Great leaders make other people feel good about working with them.
So always be a Unifier, never a Divider. Be a leader who builds bridges.
What great bridge can you build today?

About the authors
Mandy Flint & Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.
Their latest book, multi-award-winning ”Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions”, published by Financial Times International is a practical tool for building winning teams. You can download a free chapter of the book at
Praise for ”Leading Teams: ”Leadership is about effective conversations. This book is a very useful ready reckoner for leaders everywhere seeking the words and methods needed each day at work.” Sanjay Gupta, CEO English Helper Inc, India