Be a Disruptive Leader!

From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog

No, that’s not a typo – we mean that.

People often think that to be disruptive is something negative, and it definitely can be, someone’s behaviours can be disruptive and unhelpful in a meeting for example. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. No, we would argue that it can also be very positive to be disruptive.

And over the next 6 weeks, we will take you on a journey to Positive, Disruptive Leadership.


Will you join us?

It’s easy. Comment below, ask questions, share ideas and experience. You see, this is part of what being a positive disruptor is about, to collaborate openly with others, to share and benefit from others’ perspectives. So we would love to hear from you!

To disrupt is to do something that radically changes the status quo, and at the speed of change that we are experiencing in society today, organisations will either disrupt OR be disrupted by old or new players on the market.


Enter the Disruptive Leader.

This is the kind of leadership the future needs; leaders who can navigate, lead and collaborate through the choppy waters of constant change.

A recent study by McKinsey describes the big paradigm shift that is going on in organisations now, where the old paradigm of organisations as machines is being challenged by trends such as continuously changing environment and disruptive technology.

The new paradigm, the new reality is one of the organization as a living organism, that needs to adapt and change and respond to the fast-paced change. This is a big challenge for many large organisations in particular, to adapt to this new reality and become nimble and responsive in the way that is needed.

It’s challenging but doable. This is where the new concept of leaders as disruptors come in.

At WeAreTheCity’s annual “WeAreFutureLeaders” conference last week, we shared 5 agile steps that leaders can take to be a positive disruptor in the digital age. These 5 steps come from our observations in working with leaders and organisations in constant change all over the world, supported by the latest research into future leadership.

The 5 Agile Steps for Disruptive Leaders

  1. Build your strategic ability
  2. Leave your ego at the door
  3. Take teaming and collaboration to a new level
  4. Give enough stability so people can act with agility
  5. Think H2H – Human to Human


Over the next few weeks we will deep dive into each of these 5 steps, to give you practical ideas and tips on how you can develop these skills, competencies and behaviours and become the disruptive leader the future needs.

Are you with us? Excellent – see you next week for the first step – Build your strategic ability!

And in the meantime, please comment below. What do you think of the concept? Are you seeing the paradigm shift we’re talking about? What agile practices do you see where you work? Or indeed, anything else you would like to comment on. We’re listening.


About the authors

Mandy Flint & Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.

Their latest book, multi-award-winning ”Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions”, published by Financial Times International is a practical tool for building winning teams. You can download a free chapter of the book

Praise for ”Leading Teams: ”Leadership is about effective conversations. This book is a very useful ready reckoner for leaders everywhere seeking the words and methods needed each day at work. Sanjay Gupta, CEO English Helper Inc, India

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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