Be a disruptive leader | Step Four: Give enough stability so that..

Be a disruptive leader | Step four: Give enough stability so that people can act with agility

From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog



As we’ve discussed in the last few columns, being a positive disruptor is a must for successful leaders of the future.

So, if you could benefit from developing some more “positive disruption”, then read on. This is the fourth of our five steps of how to be a positive disruptor in the digital age.

In the last post we discussed how to take teaming and collaboration to a new level and this week we’ll explore how to make team collaboration more productive and results-driving with a combination of stability and agility.

In a constantly changing world, people often hesitate and become unsure about how to proceed, what to do, what’s expected. This is perfectly normal, but it can massively impact progress and hence, as a leader, you can help provide enough stability and certainty so that people feel confident to move into action and do what needs doing.

Make it super clear that constant change is the new status quo

Here are three key things to think about to make that a reality.

Make change a natural and desired part of life

Move from change management to change leadership – be more proactive about making the relevant change happen rather than just responding to changes that happen.

Talk to your team about how important constant change is – in order to survive and thrive in a world that keeps changing at great speed whether we want it to or not. Make it super clear that constant change is the new status quo and we may as well fully embrace it and make it work for us.

Include your team in dialogue about the possible benefits of change, find the answers and the tangible steps to success together.

Reward and recognize people for how they embrace change and dare to try, learn and progress.

Create structure and processes that enables empowered teams and agility

If your team is going to be able to maneuver a constantly changing playing field, they will be greatly helped by clarity of HOW to do that. Now that is not to say that they will have all the specific answers of course but they need clear work processes that shows how to explore reality, analyse data and make decisions and act, without having to wait for much guidance or approval.

It needs to be clear and easy to do one’s job, even as things are changing. Those leaders and organisations that are able to do that, will increase their chances for success. Remember to weave in evaluation and learning in your processes too – so that you can quickly learn from the results achieved and adapt, change and navigate successfully for the next steps.

Use the technology – make it easy and straight-forward to communicate and collaboration

Review the digital solutions available to you and your team to collaborate and communicate. Do you have what you need? And do you use it the best way possible?

There are so many digital tools out there: email, collaboration platforms like Office365 with Teams, Yammer and Skype for Business, intranets and many, many more. Sometimes a big range of options is inefficient, if people use different tools and end up wasting time trying to find a message from someone.

Don’t get lost in the plethora of tools available. Make a strategic decision about how to use your digital tools – what tool for what purpose? Where do you share documents? Where to do you discuss subjects? Where do you share best practices? Etc.

Carefully choose and agree which one to use for what. This saves a lot of time and frustration and can quickly enhance collaboration too. Take control and make it easy, fast and efficient to collaborate and communicate by deciding what tools to use for what – making it a vital part of your work processes.

A big aspect of leadership is making it easy for others to do a great job, to make the impossible possible

The more you can provide the kind of clarity, structure and stability that makes it easy for people to spot opportunities, be able to move quickly and nimbly, the better set up for the future you and your team/organization will be.

In the next post and last post in this series, we will continue this dialogue of empowerment when we move to the 5th agile step which focuses on “Think H2H – Human to Human”.

Until then, please comment and share any thoughts, ideas or questions you have on this whole subject.

Thanks for reading!



About the authors

Mandy Flint & Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.

Their latest book, multi-award-winning ”Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions”, published by Financial Times International is a practical tool for building winning teams. You can download a free chapter of the book

Praise for ”Leading Teams: ”Leadership is about effective conversations. This book is a very useful ready reckoner for leaders everywhere seeking the words and methods needed each day at work. Sanjay Gupta, CEO English Helper Inc,

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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