Think like a strategist
Are you strategic? Are you strategic enough? Many leaders we meet, unless quite senior, are focused on the tactical, day-to-day realities of work. That’s OK, but there needs to be a balance, for everyone, regardless of our role – everyone needs to weave in strategy in what they do. And in order to be a positive disruptor, it’s absolutely crucial to focus on and develop strategic ability. So, what is strategy then really? This is what...
2020: A year to forget or a year to remember?
It’s been said many times and we’ll say it again – it’s been a tough year. Most of us have never experienced anything like it in our lifetime. And we hope that we won’t need to again. But from even the most difficult times come insights, learning, hope, and gratitude for the kindness of other people. And as we are coming to the end of 2020, things are thankfully also starting to look up with several...
7 ways to ‘build bridges’ and more in the latest IMPACT issue
The October issue of impact is here, bringing you more articles on leadership in a fast changing world. This month we focus on how to build bridges after divisive situations, what we can learn from the TV-series ‘The Apprentice’ and how important enablement is at work. And there’s a story about being proactive about our career choices. You can download the magazine here or read it on ISSUU. We’d love to hear...
Back to work in the ‘new normal’ is the theme of IMPACT’s September issue
September is here and this issue of impact kicks off the autumn by bringing you another collection of our articles on leadership. The global pandemic is creating a new hybrid work environment and there is a lot we can do as leaders to make that experience for employees as positive, collaborative and engaging as possible. That’s what the September issue is all about. You can download the magazine HERE and/or read it online on...