A connected leadership team

A connected leadership team

Leadership teams don’t always find it easy to work together. Everyone is busy and may never have had time to get to know each other. The members may not inhabit the same office or even be in the same country or continent, and time differences can make getting together online challenging. There are often conflicting priorities and a culture of healthy or unhealthy competition. Yes, it can be complicated. And yet, working...

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Our Impact Hack Series #1 Meetings

Our Impact Hack Series #1 Meetings

1/3 of life is spent at work, and a lot of that time we end up in meetings, these days mostly online. As so much of our precious time is spent in meetings, let’s make sure we have the best possible impact in them. Try these proven impact hacks. “To be – To do” Before going into a meeting, think about how you want “to be” in that meeting not just what you want “to do”. Ask yourself: what impact do I want to have? Spend time...

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3 steps to relationship mastery

3 steps to relationship mastery

No one can succeed alone. In fact, a major factor for the survival of our species over time has been, and continues to be, our ability to connect with and collaborate with others. So, building strong, collaborative, creatively challenging and trustful relationships could be the most important thing you ever focus on. And the commitment to creating those relationships starts in your head – how you think about the people you work...

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What do people say about you and your team?

What do people say about you and your team?

What is your team’s reputation like? How are you perceived as a team? Reputation and how we are perceived matters. So as leaders and team members, we all need to raise our awareness of how we are perceived as a team. And then we need to take responsibility for the team’s reputation and brand, through our actions, behaviours and our ability to deliver. Some common reasons for teams not being well perceived include: Not being sure what...

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Leadership lessons from…Game of Thrones

Leadership lessons from…Game of Thrones

A couple of years ago we were interviewed by FlyBe magazine about leadership in the massively successful TV series Game of Thrones. It remains the most unexpected media request we’ve had so far:-). We were asked to share with their readers what leadership lessons we can take from watching the show (and its leaders). And we were specifically asked to comment on Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons. It ended up being an...

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The big leadership crisis

The big leadership crisis

There’s a worrying trend that fewer and fewer of those now starting their careers are interested in becoming leaders. And we can sympathise with that. There can be a number of reasons why younger generations don’t want to take on leadership roles. Some of the reasons we frequently hear about are: Being a leader is more stressfulBeing a leader can be lonely – ‘we’d rather be part of a collaborative...

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