Our Impact Hack Series #5 Peers
Your peers are a crucial stakeholder group to manage with care. You need each other and the more you can have a great impact with them, the better you will do. Here are 3 quick impact hacks to consider, to connect and collaborate better with your peers, and jointly deliver with more impact for the organisation overall. SEE THEM AS CUSTOMERS Imagine that they are someone that you can be of service to, someone you can help and want to...
Our Impact Hack Series #4 Presence
5 proven hacks for dialling up your PRESENCE impact Your impact is how you show up, which is why HOW you are present when with others is worth your focus. Being 100% present honours the time of those you are with – as well as your own. Here are 5 quick impact hacks to consider, to be truly present in each encounter, face to face, on video or on the phone: MINIMISE DISTRACTIONS Switch off the phone, email notifications and other...
Our Impact Hack Series #3 Self Leadership
All impact starts from within. Your ability to impact others will be a reflection of what’s going on for you. And remote working may have added new challenges and opportunities for your self leadership. Are you stressed, angry and frustrated? Then your impact will suffer. Are you energised and at ease? Then your impact will flourish. Yes, all great leadership starts from within. Here are 5 quick impact hacks, to lead yourself...
Our Impact Hack Series #2 Job Interviews
Do you have a job interview coming up? And want to make sure you have great impact and increase your chances of securing that role? Maybe it’s been a while since your last interview and you’ve gotten a bit ‘rusty’? Then check out these 6 quick impact hacks: As always, do your research Read up on the organisation; what’s their purpose, what is the culture like, what market/industry challenges are the facing,...
Our Impact Hack Series #1 Meetings
1/3 of life is spent at work, and a lot of that time we end up in meetings, these days mostly online. As so much of our precious time is spent in meetings, let’s make sure we have the best possible impact in them. Try these proven impact hacks. “To be – To do” Before going into a meeting, think about how you want “to be” in that meeting not just what you want “to do”. Ask yourself: what impact do I want to have? Spend time...
Go fast alone of far together?
We all face this choice at regular intervals. Sometimes it seems easier and quicker to do something on your own, right? Yes. But think about it. Speed is not necessarily the most important thing. Do we need to be that much in a rush? How about distance? How about going the distance instead? How about breaking new grounds, coming up with new ideas, being challenged and surprised? Surprised by what others know and can do. Surprised by...