Our latest Inside Supply Management Magazine leadership column

Our latest Inside Supply Management Magazine leadership column

In our latest leadership column in Inside Supply Management Magazine, we explore the topic of Learn to Learn Again: How Coachable Are You? You can read it here.

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Supercharged Leader: Official book release in Las Vegas!

Supercharged Leader: Official book release in Las Vegas!

Supercharged Leader: Develop your mind and skillset to deal with anything – our 4th book – was officially launched in Las Vegas last month at ISM World 2024. It was the perfect place to officially introduce the book to the world – and this large audience specifically. We had the pleasure of meeting so many interesting people who really connected with the concept of the book’s Six Superchargers (Strategy,...

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5 habits to hold on to that holiday feeling

5 habits to hold on to that holiday feeling

Whatever you do, don’t lose that holiday feeling. At this time of the year, many in the northern hemisphere are finishing or coming towards the end of their much-awaited summer holiday. Maybe you’ve travelled, spent time at home, been with friends and family, and enjoyed some of your favourite things, like camping, reading, sailing, swimming, or whatever else takes your fancy. And most importantly, we hope you’re all relaxed and...

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A connected leadership team

A connected leadership team

Leadership teams don’t always find it easy to work together. Everyone is busy and may never have had time to get to know each other. The members may not inhabit the same office or even be in the same country or continent, and time differences can make getting together online challenging. There are often conflicting priorities and a culture of healthy or unhealthy competition. Yes, it can be complicated. And yet, working...

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The March issue of IMPACT

The March issue of IMPACT

Welcome to the March issue of IMPACT! This time we focus on connected leadership teams, decoding leadership, and change leadership. And there’s a story about the link between trust and the bottom line. This time, the IMPACT HACK is focused on slowing down instead of having the ‘busy bug’. Or, as both Bill Gates and Warren Buffet put it – “Busy is the new stupid” Enjoy the...

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Our Impact Hack Series #5 Peers

Our Impact Hack Series #5 Peers

Your peers are a crucial stakeholder group to manage with care. You need each other and the more you can have a great impact with them, the better you will do. Here are 3 quick impact hacks to consider, to connect and collaborate better with your peers, and jointly deliver with more impact for the organisation overall. SEE THEM AS CUSTOMERS Imagine that they are someone that you can be of service to, someone you can help and want to...

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