
The Leadership map is constantly changing – and that’s how it should be.

What was expected of leaders 20 years ago is not necessarily relevant any more.

New business and organisational challenges, new world challenges (lack of resources, changing political climate, greater global collaboration) and new generations with new expectations are some of the reasons why the concept of Leadership needs to evolve fast – in order to meet the demand of a fast-moving future.

We are dedicated to continuous leadership development, for chairmen and CEO’s as well as for team leaders and everyone in between. As business leaders ourselves, having spend many years in the corporate world, we know first-hand how leadership can help drive both employee engagement, customer loyalty and bottomline results.

We work with organisations, teams and individuals all around the world. We facilitate transformational change. We advise (on both strategy and tactics), speak, coach, write and engage to help people develop. Organisations are made up of people first – and what people do and how they behave in the process is crucial for sustainable organisational success. It starts with each individual.

We have written three award-winning books together, all focused on how to lead and collaborate to create healthy, prosperous organisations, and workplaces where people choose to bring their best.

2020 Vision Leader is our shared space to encourage and promote continuous leadership development. It’s also a meeting space to where we want to encourage discussions on this subject, share findings and explore what a Leader in 2020 and beyond needs to “look like”.

We have chosen the name “2020VisionLeader” because leaders need “2020 vision” – they need to see clearly, be acutely perceptive – to be able to lead

You are welcome to join us in this mission and discussion to create the best Leaders for the future. Comment on the blog posts, engage with other leaders. We look forward to “seeing you” here.

Do you want to enhance leadership development in your organisation? Please contact us via the contact form below.

Thank you,

Mandy Flint, CEO Excellence in Leadership

Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, CEO Katapult Partners, co-founder Think Solutions

Please enter your contact details and a short message below and I will try to answer your query as soon as possible.


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