There are no winners in the blame game
It seems like we, people, are almost pre-programmed to blame. We live in a blame society where we are always looking for a scapegoat, someone to be responsible. And responsibility and taking responsibility is fine, but when we are quick to point a finger at anyone and anything outside ourselves, then we, per definition, aren’t taking responsibility. A recent article in the describes the importance of taking responsibility rather than apportioning blame, even though they call it “taking the blame” and we would prefer to say “taking responsibility” – to encourage people to stay away from blame, period (even of oneself!) Healthy teams have a habit of talking about issues in a non-blaming way, as it keeps the conversation constructive and forward-driving rather than having people get defensive. How are you and your team creating opportunities for open, constructive discussions? For more practical ideas on how to create an effective, healthy, successful and responsible-taking team – follow Stephen and his team on their journey through the thorny maze of teams, in “The Team Formula: A Leadership Tale of a Team who found their Way”. Thanks for reading, Elisabet and Mandy Authors of “The Team Formula”