From WeAreTheCity’s Future Leader’s Blog

The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.
J. K. Rowling
I want….What do you really want?
A new job? A better relationship? A dog? A new car? To be happy? To be successful? To sleep better at night? To lose weight? To read a book a week?
Whatever it is, now try saying “I choose….” and whatever it is that you said you want.
It feels different, right?
Many people experience that the word “choose” is so much more powerful. It’s a real indication of commitment to say that you choose something. Maybe, when you said, “I choose….” you realised that you didn’t want it so much that you would actively choose it. Or maybe you felt very strongly about it and could feel your determination grow and deepen by the choice you expressed.
We sometimes walk through life wishing we had many things, but would we really choose them all? Probably not. The key to powerful self-leadership is our ability at any given time to make conscious choices.
Make choices to empower yourself
Dean Ornish
So, think about it – what choices are you making? And if you REALLY want something, will you make the powerful CHOICE of actually going for it?
It’s your choice. Remember, you’re more powerful than you think.