It’s supposed to be fun!

People spend a lot of time at work. Many spend more time with their colleagues than they do with friends and family!

And when you spend that much time at work, it needs to be enjoyable, it needs to be fun. That doesn’t mean that it has to be “laugh out loud” fun, but it needs to have great elements of joy and fulfillment at regular intervals. This is turn means that the relationships that you have with people at work are of great importance to that joy. If you have non-functioning relationships, unresolved conflicts, unhealthy competition or even bullying, then something needs to change. No-one is an island – being able to work constructively with others increases the opportunity for enjoying work and most definitely for achieving individual, team and business results. Here are just a few ideas for how you can do this:


  • Get to know your colleagues – you spend a lot of time with them!
  • Assume positive intent – people usually do the best they can, don’t be too quick to judge others
  • Take time to listen to each other and recognize that everyone has something unique to contribute
  • Encourage healthy and constructive discussions
  • Discuss and agree how to best work together as a team
  • Bullying is NEVER OK – challenge such behaviour in a respectful and constructive way (practice what you preach, don’t bully back)
  • Take time for a quick coffee/tea – and talk about something other than work
  • Smile – it’s contagious:-)

Thanks for reading,

Elisabet and Mandy

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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