Great teams – it can be as easy as this

Having a great team doesn’t have to be complicated.

The Team Formula shows you how it can be done.

We just read a great blog post in Harvard Business Review, which so clearly points out some of the key aspects of great teams which are also described in The Team Formula – helping people to continuously develop (even when times are tough – development doesn’t have to be expensive, it can happen on the job, and it an happen within the team as people share knowledge, skills and experience.), involving people in things that matter to them, in a relevant way (discussions, decisions etc – people will feel, and be, heard and seen and important), help people to really know each other by spending time together (to create trust, collaboration and genuine desire to work together).

As a leader, you can make great teams happen by taking an interest in each person as well as the team as a whole, and the role the team serves in the greater context of the organization/market – and make sure you spend enough time with your team to make the team formula a reality.

Thanks for reading,

Elisabet and Mandy



Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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