Go fast alone or go far as a team?

We all face this choice at regular intervals. Sometimes it seems easier and quicker to do something on your own, right? Yes.

But think about it. Speed is not necessarily the most important thing.

How about distance? How about going the distance instead?

How about breaking new grounds, coming up with new ideas, being challenged and surprised? Surprised by what others know and can do. Surprised by the energy and excitement that comes from collaboration. Surprised and rewarded by the new solutions that are created when people come together, sharing openly and generously. Surprised by the support that others can give.

How about sustainable success, rather than just short-term results?

If you want any of these things, then consider TEAM.

Team is the answer. Teamwork is the answer.

if you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go as a team


Thanks for reading

Mandy and Elisabet

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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