All business success is down to human interaction

And it starts in the team. How people behave with each other within a team will impact how they feel, what they do, what they say. And that impacts how those team members interact and are seen outside the team too.

If you want business success, then start looking at how the human interactions work in your team, in your company. Processes and procedures are important and serve a purpose, but will be overwritten by human behaviours every time – so make sure you create a culture where people’s behaviours positively impacts the procedures and make them work the way they are supposed to work.

“Thea Team Formula” explores typical interactions between colleagues and how these can be improved, indeed even maximized.

Whether you are a people leader or team member, the book provides insights on how to make working on a team more fun and with better results. Learning about leadership through a story is ideal. Even for the experienced leader, the story provokes reflection on leadership effectiveness. Reader review from The Book Depository.

Thanks for reading

Elisabet and Mandy

Authors of “Thea Team Formula”

Author: Mandy and Elisabet

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